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Elizabeth C. Fidler Chapman, Ph.D.


Ph.D., Geology, 2011, University of Pittsburgh
Dissertation: Fossil fuel related water-rock interaction in the Appalachian Basin, Pennsylvania and New York: A geochemical and strontium isotope investigation (Advisor: Dr. Rosemary C. Capo)

Professional Summary

Liz has been geochemist with ECHELON since 2012. Her expertise includes processing and evaluation of groundwater and surface water geochemistry data, and the application of isotope geochemistry data to define complex groundwater interactions.

Publications and Research Presentations

  • Baldassare, F., Chapman, E., Chpt. 4 The Application of Isotope Geochemistry in Stray Gas Investigations: Case Studies, pp. 67-86, Oil Spill Environmental Forensics Case Studies, Stout, S., Wang, Z., pp. 860. Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology - Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017

  • Stewart, B.W., Chapman, E.C., Capo, R.C., Johnson, J., Graney, J., Kirby, C.S., Schroeder, K.T. (2015) Origin of brines, salts and carbonate from shales of the Marcellus Formation: Evidence from geochemical and Sr isotope study of sequentially extracted fluids. Applied Geochemistry 60, 78-88.

  • Capo, R.C., Stewart, B.W., Rowan, E.L., Kolesar, C.A., Wall, A.J., Chapman, E.C., Hammack, R.W., Schroeder, K.T. (2014) The strontium isotopic evolution of Marcellus Formation produced waters, southwestern Pennsylvania. International Journal of Coal Geology 126, 57-63

  • Chapman, E.C., Capo, R.C., Stewart, B.W., Kirby, C.S., Hammack, R.W., Schroeder, K.T., and Edenborn, H.M., accepted, Geochemical and strontium isotope characterization of produced waters from Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction, Environmental Science & Technology 46 (2012) 3545-3553.

  • Chapman, E.C., Capo, R.C., Stewart, B.W., Hedin, R.S., Weaver, T.J., and Edenborn, H.M., in review, Strontium isotope quantification of siderite, brine, and acid mine drainage contributions to abandoned gas well discharges in the Appalachian Plateau, Applied Geochemistry.

  • Spivak-Birndorf, L.J., Stewart, B.W., Capo, R.C., Chapman, E.C., Schroeder, K.T., and Brubaker, T.M. Strontium isotope study of coal utilization by-products interacting with environmental waters, J. of Environmental Quality 41 (2012) 144-154.

  • Brubaker, T.M., Stewart, B.W., Capo, R.C., Schroeder, K.T., Chapman, E.C., Spivak-Birndorf, L.J., Vesper, D.J., Cardone, C.R., and Rohar, P.C., accepted, Coal fly ash interaction with environmental fluids: Geochemical and stronium isotope results from combined column and batch leaching experiments, Applied Geochemistry.

  • Chapman, E.C., Capo, R.C., Stewart, B.W., Kirby, C.S., Engle, M.A., Rowan, E.L., and Edenborn, H.M. Strontium isotopic composition of flowback waters associated with Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, presentation, 2011 Geological Society of America NE/NC Regional Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.

  • Chapman, E.C., Capo, R.C., Stewart, B.W., Johnson, J.D., Graney, J.R., and Hammack, R.W. Geochemical and strontium isotope study of sequentially extracted metals from Marcellus Shale drill core, presentation, 2011 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

  • Chapman, E.C., Capo, R.C., Stewart, B.W., Hedin, R.S., Weaver, T.J., and Edenborn, H.M. Sr isotope quantification of siderite, brine and AMD contribution to high TDS well discharges, presentation, 2010 Goldschmidt Conference, Knoxville, TN.

  • Chapman, E.C., Capo, R.C., Stewart, B.W., Hedin, R.S., Weaver, T.J., and Edenborn, H.M. Sr isotope quantification of deep brine and shallow acidic coal mine drainage inputs to high TDS gas well discharges in western Pennsylvania, poster, 2009 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

  • Capo, R.C., Chapman, E.C., and Hedin, R.S. Factors associated with the optimal resource recovery of mine drainage precipitates from a passive remediation wetland system, poster, 2009 Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.

  • Chapman, E.C., Stewart, B.W., C50apo, R.C., Brubaker, T.M., Spivak-Birndorf, L., and Schroeder, K.T. Significant shifts in boron isotope ratios during column leaching of coal fly ash, 2008 Geological Society of America Joint Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.

  • Brubaker, T.M., Chapman, E.C., Stewart, B.W., Capo, R.C., Spivak-Birndorf, L., and Schroeder, K.T. Strontium isotope tracking of coal utilization by-product (CUB) interactions with environmental waters: Results from column leaching experiments, poster, 2008 Geological Society of America Joint Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.

  • Capo, R.C., Edenborn, H.M., Beatty, C.K., and Chapman, E.C. Microbially mediated massive iron hydroxide deposits associated with net alkaline coal mine drainage, poster, 2008 Geological Society of America Joint Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.

  • Hong, L., Fidler, E.C., Enick, R., and Marentis, R. Tri-tert-butylphenol: A highly CO2-soluble sand binder, J. of Supercritical Fluids 44 (2008) 1-7.

  • Chapman, E.C., Hedin, R.S., and Capo, R.C. Production of pigment grade iron oxide from mine drainage residuals, poster, 2008 Pennsylvania Green Growth Partnership Forum, Hershey, PA.

  • Fidler, E. C., Capo, R.C., Hedin, R.S., and Weaver, T.J. Hydrogeochemical origin of iron-contaminated waters from abandoned natural gas wells, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, poster, 2006 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Brubaker, T.M., Fidler, E.C., Capo, R.C., Olsen, S.L., Hynicka, J.D., Sikora, M.T., and Rosenmeier, M.F. Strontium isotope investigation of horse pastoralism at eneolithic Botai settlement in northern Kazakhstan, poster, 2006 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
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